After 2 3 4 (the first is a pro forma) beer, writing normal girl often comes at the same point: "want to know what I said?" or "you hear what I heard her say."
short, always end your sentences that men seem to be the same, you're beautiful, ugly, Inter, Milan, and re-foundation of the pd.
speak of those phrases that can almost be counted in these categories:
. weird ways to ask out
. methods even more strange for not go out with us
. programs that we already know that disrespect
. more or less veiled complaints about the fact that sometimes we tend to break a little boxes ...... but just a little bit .....
. and so on
Taking advantage of the aid of a normal girl expert in the field, known as the Marzel, we drew up a list of luuuunga slips men to propose.
Let us now ask the cooperation of the young ladies to complete our phrasebook and boys because basically people are fair and level playing field for the let the opportunity to do the same with us women.
Courage do not be Timidone, sauced and marked on your notebooks the embarrassing utterances of the opposite sex.
will wait trembling.
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