interrupt for a few minutes the meticulous work of hearing care (that there browse the pages listlessly, put his hand in the packet of biscuits and use four different types of chat at the same time) to make public an activity that the woman carries on the day of its creation. Leaving drifts creationist (mud, snakes and apples prohibited) but I want to show, if you will not you already noticed that women take advantage of the parables. And we're not talking about the lost sheep or Good Samaritans (yes I know ... it's childhood Catholic), but the small exempla affecting the heart, but especially the evil mind of us women. Increasingly, they become the anchor to which to cling in cases of obvious exasperation and prolonged tormenti.Le parables are nothing more than the speeches that take long, starting from very very far away, sometimes from as far telling the friend's cousin mother's aunt's colleague or, more simply, friend or acquaintance of both. The second option is ideal because the reflector behind the malicious gossip, all of which seem to be victims (toxic) employees. In reality, gentlemen, that we do not use the misfortunes of others, for rapportale our miserable lives. There are parables parables negative and positive. We start from the positive. They may be placed in the form of cynical irony, because always believe that you laugh at the next set is one of the things that make us a couple unlike any other. Here I confess, more often than not it is true, but sometimes it's desperate cries for help. The parables are positive ones, including: gifts, declarations, exaggerated romance, status, dedicated, amazing surprises and flourish. Ok it's true, I admit, sometimes ridicule them ... but we instill satisfy even a single one of these stupid adolescent to feel apprezzate.Le second are real-life stories on which we ask men's opinions, you were nearly TV commentators to to solve problems of neighbors, friends and relatives. Those that end with: "What would you do?" Or "What shall I tell you, in your opinion?". These are not traps; sometimes we really need your "male point of view, but often our sick minds operate a transit and your answer is not in the opinion turns more man in the street, but in a law which also applies to our relationship if the case arose. Considering that the problems we tell her friends in the famous "gripe sessions" foment even our, you know the preciousness of the parables to understand with who we are dealing with. Often these parables, such as evangelical have lessons, but I doubt (and here I am wonderfully acid) that the educational and rehabilitating them hidden in arrivals always hit the right neuron. Hear you say "yes it is in fact an asshole" is not always correlated with real understanding of the fact.
However, resign boys, the parables are still beset with long speeches in the peaceful woman / man, as you know, the clothes at home so it is difficult to rinse.
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