I know that the news is a bit 'dated but basically we are not here to make information and it seemed too important not to talk about it.
For the first time in Italy, in fact, the newly elected president of the Puglia Nichi Vendola decided to build its regional executive with a total gender equality: make it part asessori 7 women and 7 men.
"Here There are no dues rose, here is the destruction of the barrier of discrimination, "said Nichi. And how
not agree with him, in a country so that we need a male homosexual in order to interpret properly the "equal opportunities".
Apparently they are not alone in feeling this way, I find: a short film will be released shortly Andrea Constantine called his "marry Nichi Vendola.
policy is really an excuse, according to indiscrezini the same director, to talk about passion, love and especially of female liberation.
For the moment we must be content with the original trailer, but the DVD is already booked on the site http://www.sposeronichivendola.it/
I am very curious about what will come, but also a bit 'jealous: I too would like to marry Vendola.
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