of matman4
I was at university, there's twenty minutes I did a test, smoked a carcinogen. Skip
a girl I know - those that s'entusiasmano also noted that water flows from the taps - greets me and goes "Hey, in the classroom engineering have exhibited the paintings of young African artists! Come on, let's see! "
politely, replied" It's not the kind of thing that interests me. And I'm smoking. "
The girl expected to end up smoking, take me by the arm and leads me in the classroom of engineering. In the classroom boys wander
blacks and professors. Cheesy paintings on the walls as an identikit Bolivian depicting gazelles, elephants, wheat fields and other crap. The photographer girl relentlessly.
I'm about to leave, when Paperetta Yè Yè me, "Hey, look!"
the middle of the classroom, on a pedestal, a large sheet in the shape of Africa (that thing is the title of a song by Toto), and above it pinned a few sentences.
"Wow! Everyone can write a thought! You do the cartoonist, draw something! "
" I'm not exactly the comic, then I do not have a pen ... "The girl
hunting me a pen from his pocket and puts it in his hand.
thought for a second and drawing this cartoon, while it forms a knot of people behind me.

Since then the girl, when she sees me, do not greet me anymore.
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