Friday, December 24, 2010
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Monday, December 6, 2010
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Rare Old Wrestling Shoes
My views on homophobia in society, coming out of the TV and a joke here.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Pretty Woman Brown Dress
My review of Inception, here
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Bridal Slideshow Music
Two friends meet.
One says to another "So you're going to Spain. You must absolutely try the testicles of a bull. They have the form of two large spheres are very good. "
" Really? I must try. " The guy
side for Spain after a short time, remembers the advice of a friend, go to a restaurant and order the testicles of a bull. The waiter brings a plate with two small balls inside discolored.
"Sorry," he says, "but these would be bull testicles? "
The waiter snaps back "I do not always win the bullfighter. "
The guy comes home after a week. Had long suffered from chronic depression and delusions of persecution. At night walking around the house smoking and thinks "a loser's cock, that's what they are. To my friend the balls of a bull and the bullfighter than me. Holy shit, you can not, all I want to see ... but I took the piss? Surely it is! He and the waiter agreed. Now they will be laughing at me and think I'm an asshole. And I also believe I let him ...'m not one who reacts, maybe ... I'm really an asshole ... "
takes a gun and shoots himself in the mouth, as safe as leaving a promising career as a marine engineer, a wife and two daughters aged 3 and 7 years.
At the funeral his friend does not occur.
had died some time ago due to a bad food poisoning due to their bull testicles. Among other things, the friend was a dog owner who died after a few days of starvation.
A man enters a coffee, splash, drowned and died. He leaves his wife and two daughters 3 and 7 years.
(No, I swear, sooner or later I take seriously with the blog. The time to find one who understands Robbie compiuter, a donkey and a cinconcisore.)
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Monday, September 20, 2010
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Is There A Gloryhole In Orlando
I'm back from a month and still have not found a good time to sit and take stock of the situation.
I'm studying, even better to say I'm delving into the concepts of craniosacral learned during the course but also through the treatments that I played last year.
The opportunity I am given an examination of the September 25, but I took the opportunity of this review to step a little 'further.
There are no news good or bad, everything is in flux, constantly.
I have in mind a couple of projects (perhaps more than a few ...), still in gestation will have to wait a while 'before seeing the light. Maybe a little 'further, after the examination, after the trip to the desert in early October.
One step at a time, as always.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Can Chlamidia Damage A Kidney
After a tour de force who has been involved in the marathon Vulcania-Disneyland, we arrived in Paris.
I explored the neighborhood around the hotel while G & G will recover from the latest efforts.
not wait to discover this city, tomorrow.
Weather forecasts are not encouraging for the first time but I do not care.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
25th Birthday Quotations
I think I'm a rare bird in this, but I did not want to leave.
I would spend a couple of days to rest, sleeping, reading, hanging out around the house half empty and then enjoy Florence by bike.
I would take the opportunity to do the things I put off thinking they can not do while I realized that it was all an excuse.
Here, in the end I would like to be alone for a while '.
In silence.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Sunday, August 1, 2010
What Paper Do I Use For Waxing My Legs
I remember.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Baby Smelly Urine Baby Center
Oh, I am two days that I feel serene.
mica I shall be worried? : D
Thursday, July 29, 2010
How To Get Shiny Rayqaza
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Black Nike Pants Rn#56323
Three days in the mountains, in my magical place.
silence, fresh air, good company, but loneliness and thoughts left to wander like the clouds have served to renew.
I came back full force, I forfeited a lot of green eyes and smiles and full of love that I can draw on in times "dark." And then I made the symbolic act and was not an experience to be underestimated.
But that's another story to be told with calm ...
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Friday, July 2, 2010
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Vegetarian Small Boobs

not a good thing, especially if the store is already filled.
open those packages and look inside is painful but liberating.
Courage Pat ... little miss.
Food Poisoning Neck Pain
gym day.
The child leaves the locker room and headed towards the gym wearing socks.
Mom: "Go get your slippers"
Child: "But as I take them out just before the gym!"
Mom: "Yes, but in the meantime, where all paths with the socks go with shoes!"
Child: "I'll be able to manage my own life??"
Mom: "You will be able to 18 years or Alternatively, when you'll be alone and wash your socks "
The child comes into the locker room and came out barefoot.
Mom:" I told you to put your slippers! "
Child:" Do you see these? I'm walking, I wash them alone! "
Nine and a half years, I do not want to think about when it will be a teenager.
In the end, is back in the locker room and took the slippers.
Tonight I make him wash his socks.
What the fuck.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
Illusion Server 7.6 Tibia

12 hours, Raidue. Man discovered in the worst of Bitonto piano sings a melodic song. Everyone applauded as if he were the prince himself. And here he comes He lamp, gellar, wrapped in a white dress made of the closet of Silvan. I turned on only for him I had decided not to, to stop with this drug. I am ashamed, They're not credible even for myself, even as they are skeptical of the evidence. Yet here I am again, like a toxic by its pusher means any indecision settled by what He is about to utter, every leap in the dark adjuvanted by His words, each justified by jinx me, "he had said." As we fall, you say? Very long ago I was shocked at the accuracy of some forecasts. In short, we had guessed, and in the name of that miracle I have embraced your religion. Faithful to every media event dedicated to him, faithful to the 'appointment with Milk and Honey, Radio DJ, magazines summer. I replaced my personal view of life from former cattocomunistascout repressed in a series of "if you know it is the fault of Mars are so" in "... fund our aquariums. Horoscope, the opium of the people, or rather the poor. I had decided to quit. I came to the point of self-suggestion. In March I had in succession: spring with a boyfriend, be dismissed, arguing with everyone because I was a selfish person and out of my head. I had believed. Then I came back to me, I picked my skepticism and my dose of irony. So I just kept reading the magazines in reverse: starting from the last page or prosecuted, but just to make me laugh. International goes first by Rob. For Good Friday is part of The Star and only after you read books, music and text articles. Thus, as former smokers who say, "a cigarette every time you want to be." And wham! A moment of confusion: He not want to tell me what to do? And here I am here to calculate ascending, meetings Fortunately, Saturn and stars in against opposition. But no stay Catholic?
Ps I admit I have a favorite youtube of the graph of the special 2010. Sometimes a glance, do, but understand: I do not know which saint to appeal!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Does Benzonatate Make You Throw Up
I happen to be happy and feel simple joy of being alive.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Stages Of Guppy Birth

Skip A couple of weeks ago he caught a blackbird.
on all the emotions I felt, even today, the prevailing sense of helplessness and anger (justified I realize it is a dog) against those jaws shut on a handful of feathers.
E 'was one of those experiences that are worth a couple of sessions of treatment for post-traumatic stress.
a blackbird in the garden this morning, less than two paces from me, collecting strands of dry grass for its nest.
not arrogant, but quiet, occasionally glanced at me and Sissy the eyes in ecstasy, without the courage to move, while filled the bill.
When it flew away with her booty I felt my heart lighter.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
How To Get Wax Off A Microwave Plate
love themselves.
live open heart.
lighten. Relying
fun. Welcoming
Friday, May 14, 2010
Cigar Pipe Tobacco Difference
Now it's up-to-heart talk to
Until recently, I Turned
back and I was full of anger and pain
for All That I Had not had.
But last night I cried and I Turned back
for Everything That I have lost
while I was thinking about everything focused
That I Had not had.
The end.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Stringy Hair Extensions
It's all about love
Do I look very stupid, isnt it?
But i'm not merely talking about the love of a man.
You see: I'm that kind of people who is able to listen and capable of be empathetic.
I feel pain and happiness in others, even those I meet in the street.
I can feel what they feel.
I'm the shoulder to cry on, your secret diary, but even if seems that this fills my heart, it's not enough.
Sometimes I feel lost.
And I dont know why.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Reconsideration Sample
It's all about love.
"Love has many faces. And I am not sure that what I feel is love.
Perhaps what I really miss and what I think I'll never feel is a special kind of love.
Made of complicity, understanding, sharing.
Maybe my role is not that.
If I think so, it will be easier to accept it."
It's all about words
"Oh my... so you are talking about man.
Let me understand: do you really think you are feeling incomplete cause you have not found the "right person"?
Do you mean that we are an half of apple?"

Friday, May 7, 2010
Why Is Pokemon Heart Gold Freezing

If you have some 'time, some loyalty card FS and above all a bit' desire to see beautiful things, here are some tips. As chance would have spread to Italy there are two art exhibitions all women. They are usually not for at least the extremist feminism in art, because little by little, women seem to be taking the place they deserve in museums. I thank the Guerilla Girls, however, Abramovich, Holzer, Kruger, Sherman, Goldin, Neshat, Rama, ... (really I could go on for hours) for having made it possible today to be an artist equally to boys and girls. I recognize, however, a feminine sensibility, and if it is true that the individual is 20 years now one of the readings inside the kaleidoscopic world of contemporary art, there is even a record for female supremacy. Let's start with a tribute to those who have paved the way : Female. Feminist avant-garde in the '70s by the Sammlung Verbund Vienna (At Yum in Rome until May 16, vanguard feminist-in-70-year-by-Sammlung Verbund-of-vienna ). Alas, the show is about to end (I think I'll just do not see it), but including a Caravaggio, a Hopper, a macro and a peek at MAXXI this seems to be another good opportunity to go to the capital and enjoy an anthology dedicated to those ladies who have given a breath of fresh air to the art world and beyond. For excellence in the feminist art exhibition at Yum, with a parade of names (maybe someone is missing, but you can not have perfection) worthy, if not a visit, if a good insight into the catalog.
The second show instead is just around the corner and is more than an exhibition is a real is proper Biennale: XIV Biennale Donna. Memories veiled. Contemporary art from Iran (Pavilion of Contemporary Art April 18 to June 13, 2010, ) is the traditional meeting Ferrara , which has always had an eye for the East. There are still battles to be fought in the world and art is always an effective means for politics. At the heart of the show are the women of Iran: a country stuck in a strange short circuit between modernity and tradition, between bigotry and nuclear, where discrimination against women is unfortunately a reality. The shows have not yet view (and I will certainly report back) but I already feel I can say that the password again and courage: the courage of both those who remained and endured, both of whom have run away but was unable to forget .
Third tip: If you are from the parts of NY and I know there are often (why not?), There is an exhibition of those with lots of bells and whistles as we like. Going up the steps of the Met. (Not impezzate Serena and Blair who have other things to do) you will find American Woman: Fashioning a National Identity ( = {CA088C8E-D618-4503-91E7 -833569115BF2} & = HomePageLink special_c1a ). I'm a crazy American woman I have very high society: to her and those years where roaring emancipation also meant to bring a suit and learn to have their say without fear of being wrong.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
All Time Best Sean Cody Movie

I know that the news is a bit 'dated but basically we are not here to make information and it seemed too important not to talk about it.
For the first time in Italy, in fact, the newly elected president of the Puglia Nichi Vendola decided to build its regional executive with a total gender equality: make it part asessori 7 women and 7 men.
"Here There are no dues rose, here is the destruction of the barrier of discrimination, "said Nichi. And how
not agree with him, in a country so that we need a male homosexual in order to interpret properly the "equal opportunities".
Apparently they are not alone in feeling this way, I find: a short film will be released shortly Andrea Constantine called his "marry Nichi Vendola.
policy is really an excuse, according to indiscrezini the same director, to talk about passion, love and especially of female liberation.
For the moment we must be content with the original trailer, but the DVD is already booked on the site
I am very curious about what will come, but also a bit 'jealous: I too would like to marry Vendola.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Rash Under Breast Shingles

So I know I'm around to offend ...
I know you blame the publicity of Saratoga is like shooting on the Red Cross, but at the cost of sounding one of those hairy feminists, acid that is to say ... .. oh well we understood each other, I'm around to m'inviperisco too. All right, smile at the men's weaknesses, it's good enough that we have the sexual freedom we played pretty bad (although now we have fun too), but I really see these things in 2010 I'm not even shrug saying .. "you know pulls more hair .... " If it too much to bear, really vedermelo reproach and even a spot of rust-say a rust- puts me on an infinite sadness. The woman welcomed the slime of her husband, a waitress dressed as a porn actress ... certain things are allowed and we do not go forward.
We talk about sex? want to put a naked woman? But do it: make it as Muller is playing on the same concept, but at least hit the target. "Make love with the taste," I assure you it is unhealthy without being vulgar. But the low level please, risparmiatecelo. Do you want irony on girls and boys? Then do this:
Ps: that then you know, the dream of every normal girl is having a dressing room packed with trinkets and a nice cold beer in hand to celebrate with members J
Friday, April 30, 2010
Suspended Community Service Hours

breath taking
Years ago, I was able to confront the ghosts in the attic of the house of his grandfather (Casper dreamed but surely there was an asshole up there) and I came across this gem: Women's House and Life (published by School 1962). Since then never leaves me and indeed I hope to make you as much as possible participate, because it ensures laughter ... love, but still offer a small selection risate.Oggi there without too many comments, here it is:
LOVE pure and faithful.
Purity and fidelity: two gems of the same crown.
are preserved with the most delicate vigilance and sacrifice.
A young woman you love worldly attend the parties, has an excessive desire to please, they indulge in every whim of fashion, imperceptibly off his heart in true love, that holy, blessed, and commanded by God . Any opposition will be reason for her impatience. The serenity, the gift of a conscience, disappears from his face, in her fiction and all becomes apparent: turning the irreparable ruin of a family. Love is a flame that is fed by the fidelity, with the generous sacrifice, with that kindness sa delicate that prevent even the smallest desire and is always ready to forget.
the series baciamoci elbows girls. ... Good Friday Night! See you in a few worldly feast!